unique Planet Tattoos
The art of adoring human skin with tattoos has been around since about the beginning of our existence on this planet. No kidding. Tattoo work has been found on the likes of 4th century Nubian mummy's to Julius Caesars mentioning of his war adversaries in 50 BC; "All Britons paint themselves with woad, which turns the skin a bluish-green colour, hence their appearance is all the more horrific in battle."
Back then the reasons for getting tattoo's varied from warding off evil spirits to prophesizing a fruitful harvest.
Just like today, a person's tattoo's told the story of his life. Both good and bad, but back then an inked up tribesman didn't have to worry about his discolored memories of a faded past showing up on a Facebook page after a weekend at the lake with friends.
Yes, just like the motivations for getting tattoos has changed, so have the implications.
Call it progress if you like, but the times we're living in not only give us the chance to outlive a tattoos usefulness, but also the technology to have it removed.

If you're thinking about removing an unwanted tattoo you may be asking yourself what's the best way to get the job done. You probably want it all the way off, not just faded and the faster the better, but which method is right for you? Which method fits best into your budget? Our question require answers so we look to the web.
A quick search for tattoo removal on the Internet can almost cause more confusion than good. Every article or website seems to think they have the best answer for getting your tattoo off. We never really know if we can trust that what we're reading isn't just a sales pitch disguised as research.
How do we decide what's right for us?

The fact of the matter is that it's always best to do our own research and the best place to start is to know what type of methods are available.
The most popular methods available today are; laser, cryosurgery dermabrasion and the use of fade creams.
Lasers have been a popular choice for tattoo removal for about 20 years and the best one right now is the Medlite C6 because of its pulse light, low pain and scarring technology. If you want it done fast and don't mind paying about $200.00 per session times at least three sessions, it is regarded as the latest and greatest at the moment. Bare in mind, as soon as I make that claim, others will come forward with other opinions. Buyer beware!
Cryosurgery dermabrasion is another method to consider if you have tougher colors to remove, such as yellow or green, which aren't as responsive to the laser method. This process involves freezing the tattooed area with liquid nitrogen, then sanding the tattoo off with a medical grade sander. Hey, don't cringe. people actually pay good money to turn their skin into a popsicle and have it sanded down. The price we pay for beauty.
Lastly there is fade cream. I haven't heard of many success stories using this method to be honest. Using a fade cream is simple, can be done at home and will likely have a tough time finishing the job on certain colors and depths, but I can't say it wont do the job in some cases. It's not my intention to single any method out as being over priced or not of value, but suffice it to say that if your considering a fade cream to get your unwanted tattoo off, it might be a good idea to take a look at the active ingredient and see if your local pharmacy has something comparable at a fraction of the price.
The bottom line is that if you have been thinking about getting an unwanted tattoo off, the very best approach is to know your own personal situation and ask others that have had tattoo's removed what they did and how it worked out. Look at he area treated. Ask what they would do differently if they could.