Fairy Tattoos Designs 
Fairy tattoo’s are a fairly recent development and they represent a certain range of interests or way of thinking. The very word fairy, derived from the Latin “fata”, or fate underlies the use of fairies in literature and myth to explain the workings of destiny, with it’s often unpredictable nature of gifts and disappointments.
The Fairy as a tattoo design can be as simple as a take-off on the often overpowering presence of corporate America in pop-culture, think Tinkerbell and Disney creatures, or it harkens back to a rich history of story, myth and folklore. A fairy tattoo design can be cute and rather precious, like something out of a children’s book. In fact, for some people, that’s the whole appeal.
Fairy tattoos have a nostalgic appeal for those who remember childhood fondly and wish to keep the images of childhood part of their lives on an ongoing basis.
Fairies in literature are often the personification of human wishes and desire in the form of little people with magical powers. As a tattoo design they can be symbols of youthful innocence and a desire to retain a child-like imagination, wonder and awe.

Fairy tattoo’s are not all innocent like Tinkerbell and when you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. In traditional fairy tales, fairies are not always good. In fact, they are far more likely to be mischievous or even fearsome. Among medieval societies fairies were feared; according to legend they would sometimes steal a baby and leave one of their own in its place. They could poison livestock and ruin a harvest. In short, they were to be respected and feared. So while there are some pretty and cute fairy tattoos, there are also fairy tattoos that are decidedly Gothic in tone and appearance.
The use of supernatural beings, who often meddle in human affairs in fairy tales, has created a genre of story-telling that is rich in symbolism and that lays bare the psychological and social challenges as we pass through the stages of childhood to adulthood. The presence of magic makes fairies a favorite of children and as a tattoo design they are a potent symbol of our youth.